Every new semester we always have different courses which must be taken. Usually we have different lecturers who teach us in every semester. When I looked at the list of what lesson and who will teach us, I really felt surprise. Oh my God! Professor Chuzaimah Dahlan diem, MLS., Ed.D. would teach me again. Actually she ever taught me before when I was in first semester. I knew she is kind, friendly, and best professor I’ve ever met. But, sometimes I felt afraid when she taught me. She wanted us to do the best for English, that’s a perfect purpose. But when I can’t do the best in her class, that what makes me afraid to meet her again. Besides her, I also saw name Sheila Noveta who would also teach us. It seems like I ever hear that name before, yeah… I knew that name when Prof. Chuzaimah asked us to copy a poem of English in a cassette when we had pronunciation class in the first semester. But, I didn’t know how she looks like, is she kind person or not, at that time. Then, both of them would teach us for Teaching and Learning Strategies. Before I learnt about this class, I really didn’t know what we would learn in this class. So I asked with my senior class to get more information about this subject to have more preparation before I join this class.
Monday, 24 May 2010
Presentation, Presentation, and Presentation
Posted by ElegantWhy People Want To Be a Doctor??
Posted by ElegantAt least, there are 3 reasons why people want to become a doctor. They are having good income, help people, personal and family health. For good income, doctor has comfortable salary and has great benefit companies (hospital). Doctor will have salary depending on their specialization, hospital, and private practice. All of the salaries are very comfortable. According to student.com, a doctor usually makes a yearly income between $128,000 and $299.000. Then, most of people have good respect to doctor, so doctor usually not only work in hospital, but also in work benefit company. Besides, for help people, doctor will help people from illness, prevent someone from disease, saving surgery, give advice, and help in emergency situation.
anything in my mind
You Wanna Be a Bussinesswoman???
Posted by ElegantBusinesswoman must have five important skills or qualities. They are communication skills, education skills about information of business, technology skills, management skills, and personal skills. For communication skills, businesswoman must have ability in written and oral communication, ability to listen to other people’s ideas, know her partner, and treat them well, and ability to get others to work for her. It is used for communicating with other people because as a businesswoman, she often meets many people. So, how come she can interact with others if she has low skills in communication? Besides, in education skills about information of business, education skills are required to support her job as a businesswoman. Because before she runs a business, she must know about the theory first (the education skills). In addition, for technology skills, businesswoman must have networking skills and can operate computer. It is used to make her work easier.
anything in my mind