Sunday, 21 November 2010

Belisario Choir VS BEM

It’s like kind a rival, but actually it is not. Both of Belisario Choir and BEM are two organization that I’ve ever join. I say it “versus” because this organization is really different each other. The people inside are also different, from the way wearing a cloth, the styles, and the behavior. I am, me, myself, in this situation is placed in the middle, I am going to explain more about this.
The first is Belisario Choir. This is a choir in Sriwijaya University. The members of this can be from any faculty of Sriwijaya University, not only regular program (Indralaya campus) but also non regular program (Bukit campus). To become a member of Belisario Choir, it must do audition first. The audition is the process of selection including knowing the knowledge of music, voice, and musical not before become the members. In my period before I join Belisario Choir, there are about 200 students of Sriwijaya University have audition. Then, from the 200 students, only 40 students who become the members, others were failed. Thank God, I am in the 40 students who become member. I join this since 2008 until now.

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Reading Strategies Using Reading Efficiently by Reading Intelligently

Academic reading is not easy. Part of learning to use reading strategies is to try out new and different ways of reading. Good reading strategies help people to read in a very efficient way. Using them, people aim to get the maximum benefit from their reading with the minimum effort. In order to reach it, people should have this three different strategies, knowing what you want to know, using active reading, and reading whole subject documents.
            The first is knowing what you want to know. The first thing is to ask yourself: why are you reading the text? Are you reading with a purpose or just for pleasure? What do you want to now after reading? An easy way of doing this is to look at the introduction and the chapter headings. The introduction should let you know what it seeks to achieve. Chapter heading gives an overall view of the subject.

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