Sunday, 21 November 2010

Belisario Choir VS BEM

It’s like kind a rival, but actually it is not. Both of Belisario Choir and BEM are two organization that I’ve ever join. I say it “versus” because this organization is really different each other. The people inside are also different, from the way wearing a cloth, the styles, and the behavior. I am, me, myself, in this situation is placed in the middle, I am going to explain more about this.
The first is Belisario Choir. This is a choir in Sriwijaya University. The members of this can be from any faculty of Sriwijaya University, not only regular program (Indralaya campus) but also non regular program (Bukit campus). To become a member of Belisario Choir, it must do audition first. The audition is the process of selection including knowing the knowledge of music, voice, and musical not before become the members. In my period before I join Belisario Choir, there are about 200 students of Sriwijaya University have audition. Then, from the 200 students, only 40 students who become the members, others were failed. Thank God, I am in the 40 students who become member. I join this since 2008 until now.
At the first time I join this, I saw like a weird world for me. The people that I saw like “anak gaul”. It doesn’t mean I am “kuper” girl. It just not common to me having friends like this. For the first time, I didn’t really comfortable with this situation. In Belisario Choir, doing kissing check “cipikacipiki” between boy and girl seems like common thing, but not for me. Really not! Until now still NO! but not everyone do this actually. Besides, most of my friends in Belisario often neglect pray, especially Ashar and Magrib. I do really don’t like it.
However, I love Belisario Choir. I like this organization. This organization makes me know many friends from another faculty. Besides, every great moment in campus such as graduating and welcoming the new students, we always sing at Auditorium of Sriwijaya University. We also often sing in many hotels in Palembang like Novotel, Horison, Aryaduta, Jayakarta, etc. we always say it with “nge-job”. Of course, we got salary after we sing. We often meet high official of Indonesia when we sing. The most unforgotten moment when I join this was when we have concert with Twilite Orcherstra with Addie M. S and his choir and orchestra. I will never ever forget it. We also have this concert with Christopher Abimanyu, Afgan, and Lea Simanjuntak. Because of that much thing, I still be in Belisario Choir until now.

The second is BEM. BEM is Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa. The members of BEM that I join is only students of Education Faculty because I join BEM FKIP (Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan). It also same like Belisario Choir, the members can from regular or non regular, but it’s only for education faculty. To become members of BEM FKIP, first time to do is join BATRAI “Basic Training”. In BATRAI, we had outbond and spend the night together in the same place for 3 days. I join BEM FKIP only for 1,5 years from 2008.
BEM world is really Islamic world. Most of the woman wear the head cover, like I am, but theirs are large, not really same like me. Touching hand between man and woman is really not allowed. I see this world almost same like the world in my Senior High School previously. My friends in BEM FKIP are really kind. They really care each others. I really remember when I was sick a long time ago, when I got hepatitis, my friends from BEM are the first who visited me. It’s like family.
But, I am not a member of BEM FKIP anymore. I’d quit. It is not because I don’t like the people or their way, but it’s because being member of BEM FKIP seems like makes me so busy. After the end of class we often have meeting. Actually it is not a big problem if I don’t come in that, but I just feel not comfortable with my friends if I don’t in the place when the meeting happened.

Both of them have been coloring my life at campus. I love join them. I love my friends in Belisario and BEM.


Anonymous said...

sudah bisa komentar euy..


Elegant said...


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